Title: Fractured Glass
Author(s): Tia Silverthorne Bach, Jo Michaels, Casey
L. Bond, Kelly Risser, and N. L. Greene
What if other worlds existed alongside your own? What if you
could travel through them and truly escape reality?
They discover they’re travelers—half-descendants of those
who can traverse an entire universe of parallel worlds known as fractals. When
the past catches up, Harley is kidnapped and taken to one of those distant
worlds. Now, Sloan must garner her courage and find a way to rescue her sister.
Traversing the worlds isn’t the hard part; it’s surviving the elements and the
creatures lying in wait to destroy everything in their path.
Expected Release Date: Late December, 2014
Pre-orders: Late November, 2014
Genre: Young Adult Science Fiction with five
sub-genres (paranormal, horror, fantasy, magic, and romance)
Length: ~100k words
Why is this novel different? Well, because it's a novel
anthology. Each of the authors endeavored to use the same characters, and to
guide those characters through five sub-genres of 20k words each in the same
storyline. You've never read anything quite like it, and we do hope you enjoy
the Glass sisters' adventures.
Tia Silverthorne Bach – tiabach.com
Jo Michaels – writejomichaels.com
Casey L. Bond – authorcaseybond.com
Kelly Risser – kellyrisser.com
N. L. Greene – nlgreene.blogspot.com
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